Short- and Long-term Sales Contract Roles

Try Our Flexible Sales Outsourcing Solutions

No headcount to take on new talent? Looking to maximize marketing spend? Want to make sure a hire is the right fit before hiring them? Pareto USA’s Sales as a Service solution offers you a flexible alternative to traditional recruitment.

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The Solution?

Pareto USA's Sales as a Service

Pareto's Sales as a Service (SaaS) is a way for businesses to "hire" talent on a contractual basis. The talent will sit in your office, use your equipment, be managed by your people, but all of their HR processes, payments, benefits, etc are handled by us, on our headcount.

Picture outsourced sales, fully controlled by you.

Outsourcing vs Contracting? What's right for your business?


Sales outsourcing brings part or all of a businesses' sales function to an external third party. This can include lead generation, customer success, sales operations, or closing deals.

The external party, often a specialized sales agency or consultancy, acts on behalf of the company to hit targeted objectives

Benefits of Sales Outsourcing:

  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing reduces costs that hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house sales function bring. 
  • Expertise and Experience: Third party outsourcing businesses bring specialized knowledge and a track record of results. They have all the structure, and technology needed to perform.
  • Scalability: You can quickly scale your sales efforts up or down based on demand or budget quickly without worrying about expanding or contracting an in-house team.
  • Speed to Market: Outsourced sales teams begin almost immediately, accelerating time to market for new products or services.

Cons of Sales Outsourcing:

  • Loss of Control: Outsourcing forfeits your control over the sales process. Messaging, customer interactions and more are not handled by you, which may result in inconsistencies in brand representation and customer experience.
  • Dependency: Relying on an external provider can create dependency, making it difficult to reintegrate sales operations in-house.
  • Quality Concerns: The quality of service from an outsourced sales function can widely vary or not align at all with the your company's standards, leading to potential performance issues, wasted time on bad meetings, or increased churn.
  • Confidentiality Risks: Sharing business information with a third party with minimal oversight increases risks of data breaches of sensitive information/strategy.
  • Cultural Misalignment: The outsourced sales team may not fully understand or align with the company’s culture, values, and market positioning.

Pareto USA's Sales Contracting

Our "Sales as a Service" is a talent model that gives allows you to grow your sales team and drive more pipeline without adding to your headcount.

You select and manage your sales reps. We employ and train them. Interviewing, hiring, training, payroll, expense management, and all HR matters become our responsibility. 

Unique Benefits of our Sales Contracting Model:

  • Try Before You Buy:
  • Turn On or Off as You Need:
  • Maximize ROI on Marketing Budget:
  • Full Control:

Why Sales Contracting May Not Be a Fit:

  • Loss of Talent: Candidates may want a guaranteed full time position for security.
  • Need for In-House Management:

Get the benefits of outsourcing, with the control of a full time in-house hire.

Reap the benefits of a robust sales team with fewer costs. Our sales contracting service lets you outsource work such as marketing and lead generation to our off-headcount model. As a proven methodology used by many of the world's most successful sales-oriented businesses, outsourcing some of your sales team functions can be a creative way to add new business pipeline.

Contracted Employees are a Growing Trend

About 1 in 5 people in the US work under contract in their profession. It’s time to broaden your talent pool.
Over 1,700 businesses across the US and UK take advantage of our sales outsourcing model.
Our permanent hire rate. This means our clients take on 75% of our outsourced talent.

Why choose Pareto USA’s outsourcing service?

Headcount issues? Need more people but can't commit to hiring long-term staff? Or are you looking to grow your team without adding fixed overheads to your business? Here's where we can help. You get a team of the very best Pareto sales talent, fully assessed and trained in the fundamentals. They enter your business ready to hit the ground running, with further courses to follow as their role develops. The best part? You benefit from a centrally managed delivery model.

You pick your salespeople; we train them, we employ them, we pay them, and you manage them.

  • Candidates are issued 7 days' worth of free sales training

  • 12-month free replacement is issued for every candidate

  • HR and payroll processes are managed by Pareto USA

  • You enjoy flexible, quality sales services with low risks

What makes our sales outsourcing service the best?

We've been refining our sales recruitment, training, and contracting processes for 25 years. Using our hard-earned expertise to identify and hire the brightest talent for your specific business needs is the foundation of our sales contracting approach. We also offer you flexibility, allowing you to take your sales professionals on as permanent staff or give notice to end the contract at any time, depending on your circumstances.

Finally, we believe talent needs to be nurtured to excel. That's why we include 128 hours of in-depth training as standard. Our training covers the vital sales skills your outsourced hires need to succeed, including the following courses:

  • Fundamentals of Sales

  • Social Selling

  • Value Driven Meetings

  • Proactive Prospecting

Our quality sales service, your flexible solution

Our expertise in growth, retention, and training means Pareto USA is well equipped to support your outsourcing needs. We already connect top talent with fast-growing companies across industries including IT, Fintech, manufacturing, and more. Our sales-as-a-service model creates a quality pipeline of future sales professionals for our clients, without the risks and costs associated with permanent hiring. You select and manage your sales reps. We employ and train them. Interviewing, hiring, training, payroll, expense management, and all HR matters become our responsibility.